living bridge

Sunday, 19 October 2008



During our professional or business life we chart out a plan for next day, next week and so on. Similarly we must plan well in advance for our retirement, whether we are planning for a second career or just sit at home as care taker of the family, looking after the children paying bills etc. if one chooses to take up an income generating second career then we are back to square one living with our ego to build up an image in the society. If one chooses to be a care taker of the family then we are open to criticism, abuse by children etc. which will eventually lead to depression. We should not consider retirement as a set back but look forward to it with advance planning so that we enjoy our retirement.


A]High morale; First we must accept that aging is a biological inevitable process and in order that we don’t decay develop mind set to give vent to our thoughts open our mind to keep ourselves active with our chosen hobby or activity. With low morale our immune system is depressed and it means new diseases are likely to engulf us.

B] Finance planning: plan well in advance say 4 years earlier and take into consideration 1] inflation,2]reduced income 3] our needs and expectations.mediclaim insurance is essential to cover for hospital expences.we must accept to spend within our reduced income and avoid buying things which we don’t use regularly. when we have saved enough wealth we need not look forward to financial assistance from children or relatives.

3}Health: learn to accept aging with a positive out look ,compassion, forgiveness. All these ensure boundless happiness. Happiness adds years to life but more so life to years. Your immunelogical competence gets a booster.

Food: avoid non.vegetarian food,alcholol,smoking. Good easily digest able organic vegetable food are preferred

Exercise: Moderate regular physical activity helps to keep the circulatory,respiratory,and excretory system in a healthy state.

Hobbies: we must open our mind and give vent to our thoughts and take up a hobby. Hobbies in our retired life give immense joy, pleasure and satisfaction .
Indoor hobbies: painting, handicrafts, bridge card game, chess,reading, correspondencepuzzle solving etc
Out door hobbies: apiculture, gardening, golf, photography, table tennis or tennis. These are some of the hobbies which can be undertaken.

Hobbies with social contacts: teaching, health care of poor people also ensure immense satisfaction. Hobby is the attitude of the mind. In order our mind does't become a devils workshop developing a hobby is a must

Attitude towards other people: don’t try to dominate, don’t insist that your advise is followed, don’t seek sympathy, don’t brood over the past..
As I have mentioned earlier aging is inevitable biological process and as long as we live we should delay the onset of age related disease.
Laughter club:becoming member of a laughter club and group laughing is a good exercise for the body especilly for the respiratory system and also it invigorates the mind adding alertness with a positive frame of mind